Using various social media tools to post on multiple social platforms creates a jumble of statistics that may be difficult to report. If you are the person managing your company’s social media, it’s vital to communicate how your content is performing to the rest of your team. Our two-part series outlines the critical factors to consider when attempting to efficiently report social media stats.
Step #1- Get organized:
First, create an accurate view of your social media performance by pulling statistics from each platform your company uses. Doing this manually can be extremely time-consuming and typically produces a disjointed view. Try using social media posting tools such as Hootsuite or Khoros to export statistics from each platform into one report. Both tools allow you to choose which stats you’d like to include in your report.
Next, once your social stats are displayed in an easier-to-understand format, it is time to start recording your observations. Review how many posts went out across your company’s platforms, which are receiving the most engagement, and what types of content are performing the best.
Step #2- Review:
Determine what’s working. We suggest noting what types of content work well to help your team understand which content to focus on going forward. The types of content that typically receive higher engagement are group photos with personal tags, posts promoting in-person or virtual events, article mentions, and company announcements.
What’s not working? On the flip side, you’ll want to record what types of content are not performing well to avoid those types of posts in the future. Examples include product-related content, longer videos, and posting the same resource or link more than once.
Where can you improve? Finally, it’s essential to examine which types of content perform on average. Determining average performance will gauge which posts people are engaging with and can be improved. Adding an eye-catching graphic, breaking up any dense text, or including any relevant tags or hashtags can give new life to an old post. Examples of content that can be improved include webinar promotions, case studies, and holidays.
Do you need help with social media content?
We can help you create consistent, high-quality content to fill your social media calendar. Reach out to us, and keep an eye on our blog for more tips to jump-start your content marketing strategy.