How to Build a Case for an Enterprise Marketing Technology

Wealth organizations must recognize the importance of enterprise technology for marketing communications to propel their growth since it extends beyond merely creating fascinating written text. Marketing communications represent comprehensive actions to strategically disseminate your brand’s story, distribute financial education and other vital content, manage customer engagement, and ultimately drive the fulfillment of a strategic marketing […]

Why a Bad Economy is the Best Time for More Marketing

When a sluggish economic period sets in, many businesses swiftly resort to playing safe, which commonly means scaling back or halting marketing initiatives. While this is a rational move in the short run, it can result in long-term damage that could be hard to repair when the economic tide turns. The rationale behind increasing marketing […]

The Impact of Financial Education on Enhancing Relationships

In the wealth and banking industries, financial education content has proved to be a crucial game-changer. With information readily available, financial professionals must keep pace and utilize educational content to build and fortify client relationships. Here are seven ways financial education content helps enhance client relationships. Facilitates trust-building. Central to any client-advisor relationship is the concept […]

How to Prove the Value of Marketing

This article originally appeared in Digital Wealth News’ MarTech Minutes Marketing is a significant domain in the business world; it concerns itself with all activities leading to selling products and services. However, despite marketing’s apparent significance, the value and impact of marketing efforts are sometimes challenging to quantify. Feedback about marketing efficacy is not always […]

Financial Education: A Wealth Firm’s Duty

Financial literacy is a vital life skill, much like reading or writing. In a world dictated mainly by fiscal decisions, we must empower everyone with a fundamental understanding of how money works. Pair this paradigm with the undeniable increase in the complexity of financial markets, amplifying the critical need for financial education. Due to their […]

7 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Marketing Technology

This article originally appeared in Digital Wealth News’ MarTech Minutes. Effective marketing technology (Martech) can significantly enhance your business performance by increasing marketing efficiency, improving client experience, and bolstering your advisors’ business growth. However, as the Martech landscape evolves, your current software may be outdated and cause your company to lose its competitive edge. Here […]

2024 Social Media Trends for Financial Professionals

As we edge closer to the New Year, the ever-evolving nature of social media presents diverse opportunities in 2024 for a wide range of industries, including the wealth industry. Financial professionals must stay updated and adapt to emerging social media trends to participate in this digital landscape. We recently sat down with Teresa Leno, CEO […]

The Changing Role of Wealth Industry Professionals: From Facilitator to Educator

Traditionally, wealth, banking, and insurance professionals were facilitators, managing transactions and providing products and advice. Investing coupled with products is a critical strategy for wealth building. Still, some customers require a deeper understanding of financial markets, product options, and potential risks. In recent years, there has been a growing expectation among the public that organizations […]

Why a MarTech Strategy is Important for Wealth Firms

This article originally appeared in Digital Wealth News Various facets of technology revolutionize the wealth industry, and marketing is no exception. Among the diverse array of innovative technology options, MarTech, or Marketing Technology, stands out as an instrumental tool for these organizations. The concept of a MarTech strategy has become increasingly critical in optimizing marketing […]

Social Media: Statistics for Financial Professionals’ Engagement

The rise of social media has ushered in a new era of communication, marketing, and client interaction. It has become an essential tool for businesses across all sectors, and the financial industry is no exception. Financial professionals are traditionally known for their conservative approach, keen decision-making skills, and robust methodologies to handle their client’s financial […]