Demystifying Content Marketing for Financial Advisors

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The best use of a financial advisors’ time is engaging in activities that will create revenue for them and their firm. Revenue-generating activities include connecting with current clients, investing client assets, and reaching out to prospects. 

If writing content for your website, emails, and social pages does not strike you as a revenue-generating activity—you are not alone. However, you may want to consider how content fits into your growth strategy. 

Content marketing for financial advisors allows them to show clients that they are highly knowledgeable in their field. Furthermore, content marketing can help position an advisor as someone clients and prospects can trust. Topics like saving for retirement, funding a college education, or taking an international vacation are common concerns for people. These are great subjects to show you are knowledgeable about how these topics impact them from a financial perspective and that you are ready to help. 

Here are a few more ways to demystify the topic of content marketing:

Do not overcomplicate your goal. Your goal should be to connect with your audience interestingly and authentically. Your audience is people just like you. Think about your pain points and how to remedy them when creating exciting content. 

Speak your mind (as long as you’re compliant). Don’t feel like you need to match your content to what other firms are producing. It is essential to be unique since authenticity will help you stand out from your competitors. Do you have a niche interest that applies to your business or a unique product/service that similar firms don’t? Write about it!

Choose a brand voice and stick with it. A cohesive brand is a challenging feat but writing in your brand’s tone and voice is a meaningful way to support your overall business goals. Examine your company’s existing content and imagery. Is it serious and professional? Whimsical and fun? Be sure to carry these aspects over into your brand voice and the way you write. 

Use your data to create better content. Once you’ve made a few pieces of thought-provoking content, don’t forget to check your stats. You can use Google Analytics or the analytics built into your website builder to see how your content is performing. This tip will help validate which topics your audience is interested in, whether that more niche piece struck a chord, and if that provocative article stood out. 

Need help with content marketing for financial advisors? Let us help. Feel free to reach out to us or connect with us via social media at @freshMerge on Twitter and @freshFinance on LinkedIn to discuss this article or learn more about FreshFinance.

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