The Importance of Blogging = Successful Content Marketing

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One of the most effective ways to grow your company’s brand awareness is understanding the importance of blogging. Providing your audience with informative articles on a timely basis is a great way to build your brand’s trust with the public. Here are four benefits of blogging as part of your content marketing strategy:

Blogging helps optimize organic search engine optimization (SEO). All search engines favor fresh content produced consistently. And the good news is, SEO does this for free! Following our simple SEO guidelines will help your content stand out from the competition. 

Blogging helps form new relationships with clients and strengthen old ones. Blogging is a great way to show off your company’s personality. By becoming human in your prospects’ eyes, they are more likely to resonate with your content, helping to boost relationships and revenue for your company. It sounds like a no-brainer, right?

Blogging can position you as a thought leader. In the world of marketing, being considered a thought leader is extremely beneficial to your brand. If a prospect is deciding between your company and two others, a blog with valuable content could be the ‘X’ factor that sets you apart from your competitors. 

Blogging creates more opportunities to share your company’s message. On all of your blog pages, make sure your share buttons can share your blog articles on various social media platforms. This social button enablement helps you grow your reach on social media, leading people to find their way back to your website. 

Establishing consistent blogging and understanding the importance of blogging takes planning and execution. These four convincing reasons should motivate you to get started, and the fact that 86% of companies consistently produce blog content compared to other formats should motivate you to get started blogging! 

Do you need help creating a solid content marketing plan? Let us help. Feel free to reach out or connect with us via social media at @freshMerge on Twitter and @freshFinance on LinkedIn.

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