Using Storytelling to Connect with Your Audience

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Connecting with your audience can be tricky and requires constant analyzing, adjusting, and testing new tactics in your content marketing plan. One way to communicate with your audience is through storytelling. Storytelling involves writing content that helps your audience understand what it would be like to use your service or how you can solve their problems. 

Telling a story about an experience, such as a single parent saving for retirement, for example, helps your audience feel a connection with you and can keep your company at the top of their mind. How do you get started with storytelling? 

Create ‘A day in the life’ stories

Content marketers use ‘day in the life stories’ to accomplish a wide variety of marketing and prospecting goals. The first-hand experience of someone using your company’s product or service is more compelling than an itemized list of features or add-ons. Stories help readers resonate more with the topic and think more about how you can help their unique situation.

To create a day in the life story, explain how you help your story’s persona be more efficient, or the story’s topic is an enjoyable experience. This way, you’ll help make your content more relatable by evoking emotion and making it easier for your audience to understand the value of your service. 

Create customer personas

Understanding your ideal customers and their unique goals is essential for building your business. A common way to create customer personas is to identify a customer’s specific experience or problem. Successful marketers develop their marketing campaigns around customer personas’ issues and how you solve them! Customer personas provide an excellent opportunity to know your specific target audience.

Understand where your ideal customers’ are 

Your marketing mix should include sharing content through various channels. The secret to figuring out how to communicate meaningfully across each channel is by tailoring your content to individual customer preferences. Some customers prefer LinkedIn as their channel, while others are using Twitter. Use multiple channels to maintain a consistent brand experience so customers can find you wherever they are. Remember that having a presence on social media by posting relevant financial content helps position you as the trusted expert that can help people solve their financial and retirement savings problems.

Getting started with Fresh Finance

We help financial advisors, insurance agents, and companies create financial content marketing plans. Feel free to reach out to us or connect with us via social media at @freshFinance_ on Twitter and @freshFinance on LinkedIn.

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