How Wealth Firms Can Grow Harnessing Financial Content
The past few years have been lucrative for the wealth management industry thanks to favorable market performance. But, with today’s economic challenges and a changing client demographic as younger generations inherit, firms and advisors must plan how they communicate with current clients and attract new ones to grow AUM. A recent article by McKinsey highlights what […]
4 Tips for Promoting Your Next Event on Social Media
Before your organization’s next event, creating high-quality content before, during, and after your event can increase attendance, leads, and interest in future events you may plan. As part of your marketing strategy, here are four tips to keep in mind when using social media to promote your event: Tip #1- Plan ahead It’s essential to […]
Using Content to Position Yourself as A Thought Leader
Content marketing has evolved tremendously over the past few years, becoming crucial to a successful marketing plan. Having an audience is powerful when they can help position your company as a thought leader by sharing your content. By sharing your content, others will look toward your company to provide answers and knowledge relevant to their […]
Collaborating with Influencers: Is It Worth the Hype?
In the past few years, influencers have become a part of modern culture and a wide range of marketing campaigns. Social media users with large and deeply engaged audiences are a great way to gain awareness of your product or service in the marketplace. Why influencer marketing? Influencer marketing works because these influencers have built […]
Digital Marketing Basics Part 3: Focusing on Meta Descriptions
In part 2 of our digital marketing blog series, we discussed the importance of keywords to help strengthen your website’s SEO. In this article, we will cover the meta descriptions for your web pages and how to ensure they’re helping- not hurting, your SEO score. What is a meta description? According to Wordstream, a meta […]
Digital Marketing Basics Part 2: Using Keywords To Amplify Your Content
Anytime is a good time to upgrade your marketing tactics. Whether you manage your company’s blog, or simply write a few blurbs for your website- paying attention to and using keywords is critical if you want to boost your SEO. What are keywords? According to SEMrush, a leading SEO management tool, keywords are search terms […]
Digital Marketing for Financial Advisors: Become a Content Expert
Referrals alone are not enough to ensure that your practice continues to grow. Digital marketing is the easiest way to increase your client base and stay connected to your clients. However, there are considerations as you start your digital marketing journey in a regulated industry. Here, we outline seven basic ways to help grow your […]
Effective Customer Service on Social Media
No matter how many options customers or prospects can contact your company, you may still receive messages through social media. Your initial reaction may be to guide people to your website to contact your support team. However, that may not be the best option as it may frustrate a customer or prospect by adding additional […]
4 Ways to Infuse Empathy in Your Social Media Content
More than previously, people are looking to forge personal relationships with those they work with and buy from. Although educational and branded content makes for a well-rounded social presence, personal and empathetic posts foster higher engagement. This type of social media content is one of the easiest ways to connect with your audience. Here are […]
8 Things to Post on Social Media
There is no time like the present to take the plunge into creating a social media presence for your company or financial firm. A 2020 survey from Putnam Investments revealed that 89% of financial advisors who responded said they had gained new clients through social media activity. The value is obvious, but how can you […]